Former Delhi Deputy Chief Minister and senior AAP leader Manish Sisodia shared a smiling selfie with his wife on Saturday morning, enjoying a cup of tea, with the caption, "First morning tea of freedom... after 17 months!"
Sisodia, who was released from Tihar Jail on Friday evening after 17 months, was granted bail by the Supreme Court on the same day.
In a post on X, Sisodia wrote, "The freedom that the Constitution has guaranteed to all of us Indians as the right to live. The freedom that God has given us to breathe freely with everyone."
Speaking outside Tihar jail, Sisodia expressed his gratitude, saying, "Ever since this order came in the morning, every inch of my skin has been feeling indebted to Babasaheb. I don't understand how I will repay this debt to Babasaheb..."
Sisodia, who held several significant portfolios in the Delhi government, was greeted by a large crowd of AAP workers and leaders, including Atishi and Sanjay Singh, upon his release.
Shortly after his release, the former Deputy CM visited Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal's residence to meet with his family members.
Manish Sisodia was arrested by the CBI on February 26, 2023. Subsequently, he was arrested by the ED in March 2023. His earlier bail applications were dismissed by the trial court as well as the Delhi High Court.