Jaipur: After being admitted to hospital for almost a week due to a recent illness, the former CM of Rajasthan Ashok Gehlot has warned the people about Happy Hypoxia, an after-effect of the pandemic COVID-19. In a recent post on social media platform X, Gehlot said: "Recently, many new researches have shown that during COVID-19 and even after that, the oxygen level gets low in the body, which is called 'Happy Hypoxia'. Many times the patient is not even aware of this disease because he feels no problem in breathing, but if the diagnosis is not made on time, it can prove to be very dangerous."
Gehlot who suffered from COVID-19 twice, futrther said in the post: "I also had a situation of Happy Hypoxia due to COVID-19 but the doctors diagnosed it in time but it caused me a lot of trouble for 5-6 days." Advising people to be cautious Gehlot said that If you feel any problem in your body, then keep checking your oxygen level. "Nowadays, all types of viral infections are spreading, hence doctors should also advise patients to measure their oxygen level using an oximeter from time to time."
What Is Happy Hypoxia?
As per reports the term happy hypoxia first appeared during COVID-19. It means that the level of oxygen in the body becomes less than normal. The oxygen level gradually becomes so low that it becomes fatal. The worrying thing is that the patient is not even aware of it. Due to the absence of obvious symptoms, it has been given names like Happy Hypoxia and Silent Hypoxia.
Generally, whenever the oxygen level is low, the person starts feeling short of breath during physical activities and even in normal routine due to which he starts having difficulty in breathing. But in Happy Hypoxia, even after the oxygen level gets low, the person does not realize it. Neither he feels short of breath nor are any other symptoms visible.