The controversy surrounding Ranbir Kapoor-starrer Animal has reached Rajya Sabha, with a Congress MP from Chhattisgarh raising concerns about the seemingly misogynistic undertones and the violence depicted in the film. On Thursday, Ranjeet Ranjan said that the movie's justification of the violence and misogyny was "shameful".
Released on December 1, Animal received polarised reviews from the audience, while the critics panned the Sandeep Reddy Vanga-made film. While the filmmaker remained unfazed by the criticism, the movie became a topic of discussion in Rajya Sabha.
"Cinema is a mirror to society. We have all grown up on films. Cinema has a great deal of influence in society, especially among the youth. Nowadays, there are some films that are coming like Kabir (Singh), Pushpa and now this film Animal," Congress leader Ranjan said in the Raya Sabha. "My daughter and a bunch of other children were watching the film. They cried and left the theatre at half time. The film's justification of violence and misogyny is shameful."
Problems with Arjan Vailly song
Animal's problems did not limit to misogyny and violence, and instead extended to the song titled 'Arjan Vailly'. Ranjan said that Arjan Vailly was a prominent personality in the Sikh history. He was the son of Sikh military commander Hari Singh Nalwa from the 19th century, and is known for his bravery and valour. Ranjan said the film's use of the song about Arjan Vailly to highlight gang-war was was offensive to Sikhs.
The Congress MP also questioned the Central Board Of Film Certification (CBFC) for approving the film's release and the criteria used by the board to give such films a green light. She also said the such movies were a "disease" to the society.