The crime branch has apprehended the estranged wife and mother-in-law of filmmaker Farooq Kabir on charges of 'stealing' his newborn daughter. Both were reportedly attempting to leave the country with the infant. The police successfully rescued the child during the operation.
The unhappy marriage
According to a crime branch official, Farooq Kabir had married Sanam in Uzbekistan last year and had been residing in India since then. Problems arose between the couple after the birth of their daughter in December. The dispute stemmed from differences regarding the child's nationality, as Sanam and her parents wished for the daughter to have Uzbek citizenship, a proposition Kabir opposed.
In response, Sanam took the child away, prompting Kabir to file a complaint with the Versova police. Following the complaint, the Mumbai crime branch tracked down Sanam, her mother Dilfuza, and the baby in Amritsar, bringing them back to Mumbai.
The crime branch official stated that the girl, Sanam, and Dilfuza have been handed over to the Versova Police. Kabir had lodged an FIR against his Uzbekistan citizen wife Sanam, her mother Dilfuza, and his stepfather Tejas Khanna at Versova Police Station on December 21.
The Mumbai Police is currently searching for Tejas Khanna in connection with this case.