Chandigarh: In an initiative aimed at road safety, the Punjab police in collaboration with MapMyIndia, has mapped about 784 accident black-spots across the state on their navigation system Mappls App, Director General of Police (DGP), Punjab, Gaurav Yadav here on Monday.
“Citizens navigating using Mappls App will now receive voice alerts in Punjabi alerting the commuters about the black spot ahead, making Punjab the first state to map the accident-prone sites as part of the road Safety,” he said.
Mappls App Details
MapmyIndia’s Mappls App - a 100% swadeshi App developed especially for India, would alert the commuters by giving a voice message “Blackspot 100 meter di doori te hai (black spot is 100 meters ahead)”, making Punjab the only state to map accident-prone locations comprehensively. Accident black spot is a place where road traffic accidents have historically been concentrated.
Additional Director General of Police (ADGP), traffic, Amardeep Singh Rai emphasised that this driving aid is designed to elevate the overall safe driving experience on Punjab’s roads and expressed confidence that the proactive implementation of voice alerts in Punjabi was a crucial step towards creating a more informed and vigilant driving community.
Traffic advisor, Punjab, Dr Navdeep Asija said that the collaboration with MapmyIndia represented a significant step forward in state’s efforts not only to streamline the traffic management across Punjab but also to prioritise the safety of citizens, commuters, and the general public, all without any associated costs.