In a distressing incident on the Agra expressway, a gruesome scene unfolded as a body lay abandoned and was tragically run over by multiple vehicles throughout the night.
The macabre incident left the remains of the victim smeared across a 500-meter stretch of the road, compelling law enforcement to deploy a shovel to collect scattered body parts.
Amidst the wreckage, the police managed to recover only an intact finger from the scene. Authorities are pinning their hopes on this single intact body part, as they anticipate that the fingerprints may hold the key to identifying the unfortunate victim.
Shocking visuals from the site also captured a lone shoe, presumably belonging to the deceased.
The duration the body remained unattended on the expressway remains unclear, raising questions about why approaching vehicles failed to avoid the tragic encounter. Dense fog conditions prevalent in northern India during the night may have impaired drivers' visibility, compounded by the inherent risks of making sudden maneuvers at speeds averaging 100 km per hour on expressways.
Law enforcement officials are launching a comprehensive investigation, beginning with the critical task of identifying the victim, to shed light on the circumstances leading to this horrifying incident.
The scant remnants of the body have been dispatched for autopsy to ascertain further details.