Chandigarh: A day after the AAP supremo Arvind Kejriwal said that his party would go solo in the upcoming Lok Sabha elections in Punjab, the Congress president Mallikarjun Kharge on Sunday held that his party would not only go it alone in the elections but also win all the 13 seats in the state.
Addressing the maiden Punjab Congress workers’ convention at Samrala town of Ludhiana, Kharge said that the resolute presence of party workers and office bearers underscored the unwavering determination of Punjab Congress to secure victory across all 13 constituencies in the forthcoming elections.
Kharge expresses solidarity with agitating farmers
The party chief expressed solidarity with the agitating farmers, alleging that despite the hollow promises of the BJP government, Congress stood with the farmers. Commending Punjab's farmers, Kharge lauded their protests at the borders of Delhi, affirming Congress' unwavering support.
Kharge reiterated the indispensable role of party workers in disseminating Congress' vision for a progressive India and held that the workers were essential to go door to door in order to make the people realise how the nation had deteriorated under the BJP rule.
Party state chief Amarinder Singh Raja Warring, in his address held that the party workers’ convention stood as a testament to the unwavering dedication exhibited by the party cadre over the past two years. The organisational framework cultivated within Punjab Congress had reached fruition and that the Punjab had historically been at the forefront of the country's struggles, and had remained resolute in combating the authoritarian regime of the BJP.
He went on to add that the poll battle had just commenced, and the party workers were steadfast in their resolve to secure victory in all 13 seats in Punjab. "We are steadfastly working towards thwarting the unjust Aam Aadmi Party in Punjab, as well as the collaborative forces of Akali Dal and BJP", he added.