Numerology Forecast 2024: Know About New Beginnings, Change & Everything The Year Holds For You

Numerology Forecast 2024: Know About New Beginnings, Change & Everything The Year Holds For You

Take a hint at what the upcoming year holds for you as Numerologist, Victory Coach & die-hard optimist Farzana Suri releases the forecast for 2024.

Farzana SuriUpdated: Thursday, December 28, 2023, 04:47 PM IST
Numerology Forecast 2024 By Farzana Suri | Freepik

Every year, as we roll into January 1st, it's like turning a fresh page in the book of life. In the world of numerology, these changing numbers bring a shift in the energy around us, and we all feel this transformation through something known as our "Personal Year."

So, what's a Personal Year, you might wonder? Well, think of it like your very own customized weather forecast for the year ahead. It's like a roadmap that guides your behavior and experiences in every aspect of your life – whether it's your personal life, your career, your finances, or even your health. It's pretty fascinating how it all comes together, isn't it?

Before we calculate your Personal Year, let’s understand what does 2024 hold for us, generally?

In numerology, every number has meaning and directly influences your world. When you reduce 2024 (2+0+2+4), it adds up to an 8 Universal year.  The Universal year, defines the overall theme of the year 2024. It indicates how to make the most of the energy the year may present to us and which aspects affect us. 

In the Universal year 8, there's a powerful and ambitious energy at play. Challenges may arise, but keep in mind that these challenges are opportunities for personal growth or reality checks. The year can be bountiful or create unpredictable moments that stall your effort or is likely to be both.

So, it may impact your Personal Year.

How to determine Your Personal Year for 2024?       

To arrive at your Personal Year (PY), add your birthday + birth month + the current year, in this case it is 2+0+2+4 =8.

10.10.2024 = 1+0+1+0+2+0+2+4 = 10 

Further break down the double digits till they arrive at a single digit

10 = 1+0 =1

Therefore, Personal Year is 1.

Personal Year 1: 

New Beginnings

This year is like an unexpected plot twist with new opportunities popping up in your life as you unveil a new you. Whether it's starting your own business (hello, CEO vibes!), switching careers (time to be the superhero you always wanted to be), or diving headfirst into a relationship (love is in the air, and it smells like success), dream big and spend the next nine years chasing those dreams. You are turning the page to a fresh chapter, where health, wealth, and happiness are on your revision list. But here's the exciting part - your determination, willpower, and creative thinking will pay off. It is time to reclaim your strength. This is not a time to wait and think about things but the time to act.

Personal Year 2: 


This year, it's all about cooperation, balance, harmony, and exercising tact. Why not use this time to make new friends or rekindle old friendships? It will feel like a social reunion with a sprinkle of magic. Keep an eye on your finances, but don't be stingy. Patience and persistence are your trusty allies on this journey of growth and evolution. While the delays might feel like slow-motion replay, they might be the secret sauce to achieving your goals. When making big decisions, trust your intuition! And, if you ever feel like you are lacking something, it's likely just your active imagination working overtime. Prioritise self-care for a balanced life - take a break, have a laugh, and enjoy the ride.

Personal Year 3: 


Get ready to hop aboard the possibility train because this year, is likely to be filled with expansive opportunities! You are in for a creative and intellectually stimulating joyride. Toss the worries about the future out the window and start crafting the life you desire.  Express yourself like you are auditioning for a talent show. And remember, if something's not working, release and move on. Keep your eyes on the prize, and surround yourself with folks who lift your spirits higher than helium balloons. Self- blame, putting things off or taking on too much, can all stand in the way of your chances of victory.  Be cautious and avoid extravagant spending. A job, project or business opportunity is likely on the horizon.

Personal Year 4: 


It's time to reevaluate your goals and lay the groundwork for your personal life and business or job. Don't expect instant results this year; it's more of a "marathon, not a sprint" situation. But guess what? Changes are on the way and your work and relationships may transition or evolve. If that job or project of yours isn't serving you well, make room for some new and improved opportunities. And speaking of opportunities, your property matters could be like a golden goose if you play your cards right. But, don't forget about your mental and physical well-being. Stay disciplined in your exercise and rest routine and no slacking off! Patience is your mantra for the year. The rewards will make their way to you.

Personal Year 5: 


This year, change creeps in like that nosy neighbour who always drops by unannounced – it's coming to your residence, work, perhaps even your relationships! Whether you kickstart these changes yourself or they are thrust upon you by others, it's time to embrace the chaos and ride the rollercoaster. Think new adventures, promotions, legal contracts, and rubbing shoulders with the crème de la crème at social events. If you are in the media or have a connection to it, you might feel like you've won the lottery! While it's all thrilling, do remember to take calculated risks and keep an eagle eye on your cashflow – you don't want your wallet to throw a tantrum. Beware, of the "spending spree fairy," and the "social butterfly syndrome. Don’t overextend yourself.

Personal Year 6: 


Home and family are in the spotlight as they take centre stage. You might suddenly find yourself wearing a cape of added responsibilities. You will either strengthen bonds, fix the drama, or both. While taking care of others is important, don't forget about yourself. Take time to rejuvenate your body, mind, and spirit. Property deals, career changes, and a surprise financial boost might just be waiting in the wings. If you are in the business of counselling, healing, or women's products and services, get ready for a popularity spike. This is the perfect time to draw a partner into your life. And, if you come across any choices this year, remember to make decisions based on your true desires rather than what you think you ought to do. 

Personal Year 7: 


Welcome to the Personal Year 7, where it's all about taking a chill pill. No major expansions or makeovers recommended. If things seem to move at a snail's pace, don't sweat it - it's not a race. Stay focused on the big picture. When it comes to your finances, don't expect a money waterfall, however, you will have just enough when you need it. Invest cautiously.   You might discover an inner craving for personal space, move closer to nature, or perhaps just treat yourself to a relaxing vacation. If you feel the urge to dive into spiritual activities, take a course, or start writing. The upgradation will help. Keep a check on that monkey mind. Think of this year as your "Life Reboot." So, consolidate, re-evaluate and recharge.

Personal Year 8: 


What's rightfully yours is making a beeline to your doorstep, so hold on to your determination. You are about to become a shining beacon of authority, rocking self-confidence, and wielding extraordinary power to tackle things more efficiently. Thinking about starting a new business, stacking up secure assets, or building a rock-solid investment portfolio? It's time to roll the dice and take a few calculated risks. You might get some recognition and see growth on the career front. However, don't forget to invest quality time with family and friends - they are your real-life cheering squad. Be mindful of the newfound power going to your head. This year any challenge coming your way, will unleash that incredible potential of yours.

Personal Year 9: 

Grand Closures

This is the year of grand closures – the time for endings, new beginnings, transformation, and resetting. It's like redecorating your life's living room. Change might feel a tad uncomfortable but fear not, it's all for the greater good. Prepare for a good old life evaluation and assessment for your business, relationships, and health. Keep what sparks joy and toss the rest. Follow your inner compass - it's like having your own personal GPS through the chaos. Forgive anyone who needs it, and yes, that includes forgiving yourself too. Try not to cling to people who seek freedom. Time for a triple-D mission: detox, declutter, and clear debts. Think of it as a "spring cleaning" for your life. Some surprise money flowing in, is a possibility. 

About Farzana Suri:

Farzana Suri is a Victory Coach - Numerologist. She uses the science of numbers to empower people to find victory in life – be it for personal relationships or career. She can be reached on


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