Ideal Nation

Ideal Nation

FPJ BureauUpdated: Wednesday, May 29, 2019, 02:00 AM IST

Solution for the Protection of World’s Environment

– It is with the merciless felling of trees (belonging to our jungles, village-farms) that we created problems for our survival, like Global Warming, Climate Change and unpredictable rainfall (either excessive rains or dry spells).

–   Prakrti (Nature) is the finest creation of Isvara. We have to take care of each and every tree, plant, shrub and medicinal herb with the same devotion that we reserve for worship of Prabhu (Isvara). This is because the trees and plants in our surroundings would be our only defence and help us survive against the terrible dangers to life such as earthquakes, droughts, floods, fierce heat spells, and intolerable cold. Trees are the protectors of our life and biosphere. Our life and its processes are totally dependent on trees and plants around us.

–   Some tree varieties like Mango, Peepal, Tulsi, Neem and Banyan etc. release oxygen throughout the 24-hours that constitute a day on earth. This is the reason why many cultures throughout the world use Mango leaves to create Bandhanvars (festoons) for auspicious occasions. This is also why the wood from Mango tree is used in Devayajha (Agni-hotra or Havana). With the maximal plantation of these trees in our surroundings, we can rid our neighbouring environment from pollutants. With the aim of a useful plantation in mind, we should also remember that our job is only finished when we make the effort to safely bring up the sapling or seed that we planted till it becomes a tree.

–   Why the surprise? When we suppose that we should buy gold and silver, build big houses and keep big cars in the name of fulfilling false promises of luxury, but never think positively to contribute towards planting the very trees that sustain life on earth, we should not at all be surprised at the moral and ecological degradation caused by Humanity. We have become so unmindful of our duty towards life that we do not think to contribute our time, effort and money towards conservation, nurture and protection of trees that take 10 to 15 years to reach a state of maturity.

–   Therefore we must first take a pledge for greening the earth before dreaming a golden future for humanity. We have to take the pledge for planting trees to safeguard the future generations that inherit this earth from us. We can, from this very day onwards, take the ennobling path towards our own jivana-suddhi (life purification) and jagata-suddhi (world purification) by presenting medicinally valuable plants like Neem (Margosa), Arjuna, Amla (Indian Gooseberry), Sisam (Rosewood) and medicinal-herbs like Giloy (Heart Leaved Moonseed), Tulasi and Ghrtkumdri (Aloe Vera), etc. to our near and dear ones. We should also present these plants in the auspicious occassions like birthdays, anniversaries of vivaha (wedlock), in the memory of pitras (ancestral spirits), in the anniversaries of Mahapurusas (Great-men), in national and holy festivals.

–   The accepted traditions of last rites of the dead human body include burial, immersion in rivers, leaving it unsheltered in jungles and mountains and cremation etc. Of these, the best process for last rites is cremation. Cremation creates the least damage towards the land, water and air resources. Even a little patch of land can be used for thousands to tens of millions of cremations.

Universal values

–   A person is considered dharmic and adhyatmic (spiritual) if he or she adheres with dedication and integrity to the ‘Astanga-yogc’ and the entire sanatana dharma, its darsana, culture and traditions, and the life-values and ideals established by the Rsi-Munis, Tapasvis, Bhiksus and Acharyas who enriched and propagated this enlightened and truthful tradition.

–   We should accept the ‘yama’ and ‘niyama’ propounded by Maharsi Patahjali as the universal, scientific and global dharma, as the root tattva (essence or building block) of our spirituality and culture, and pledge our mana (mind), vani (speech) and karma (actions) towards fulfilling this dharma with the utmost earnestness.

–   This world is enriched and fulfilled by the diverse and multi-dimensional cultural traditions. We consider the Universal and Scientific truths contained in diverse religious, spiritual, cultural and sectarian traditions to be dharma. However, we are not in favour of superstitions, feigning, pageantry and show-off, and unscientific concepts masquerading as religious and communal traditions.

–   We do not believe in those beliefs. That is why we are dharmic, not partisans or fanatics.

–   All the Mahapurusas of the world have been primarily the persons with the humblest and commonest of origins, abilities and capacities. Despite these contextual endowments or burdens, they never let their perspective to become diminished or allowed disappointments to trail their shadows. Onwards they marched, with their strengths of indomitable self-confidence and adhyavasaya (perseverance). Neither did they get distracted from their goal in the company of hostile circumstances. Despite the little facilities and resources they had at their command, or their meagre qualifications, they offered their existence in its entirity for the yqjna of service towards humanity, and contributed immensely towards the development of nation, dharma, and society. With the extraordinary lives they chose to lead, they established the benchmarks of human endeavours that lead humanity towards divinity, and guided hundreds of millions of followers towards the very same ideals that characterised their acts in life.

Universal Dharma and Constitution

–   We should work towards rediscovering and reinvigorating our relations with dharma, Isvara and the constitution. dharma, Isvara and the Laws of the Land play a pivotal role in establishment and growth of friendship, compassion, love, goodness, happiness, peace and prosperity. Sadly, in our times, many representatives of various sects are fabricating myths and creating dissonance in the name of religion. They do it to gain cheap popularity. However, almost all the people know this very well that real religion or dharma does not permit the creation of hate or efforts towards breaking down the heartfelt oneness of a nation, society or a people. This is what dharma says:

–   One should live the life as if to remain immortal, to be remembered by the world after leaving the body.


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