Chief Minister Pramod Sawant on Monday said that Goa Police has been looking after the welfare and safety of the senior citizens and has created a data bank of contact details of maximum senior citizens in the State.
Director General of Police, Jaspal Singh informed that the police has registered 6000 senior citizens and also recorded their phone numbers.
'Senior citizens need not fear'
"Goenchea senior citizenak bhuipachi ghoroz nam (Senior citizens need not fear). Goa Police especially the beat police has been constantly maintaining contact with the senior citizens. We have created a system where police keep in touch with the senior citizens by organising programs on special days," Sawant said, while attending a program organised on the occasion of the national senior citizens day on Monday in Mapusa.
Several eminent senior citizens including a school headmistress, doctor, police where felicitated at the hands of the CM on the occasion. The DGP said that Goa Police is committed towards the security of the senior citizens.
6000 senior citizens have been registered
"We have registered 6000 senior citizens with their contact details. Our beat police is at their service and provide them with medicine and material at the time of emergency," Singh said. A grand program comprising of entertainment and health camp for senior citizens was organised by Mapusa SDPO Jivba Dalvi.
IGP, Omvir Singh Bishnoi, SP North Nidhin Valsan and other police officers were present for the function.