Dream Girl 2 has surpassed all industry expectations and bagged a double-digit opening with Rs 10.69 Crore at the Box Office. Ayushmann Khurrana's biggest opener to date, Dream Girl 2 has been wholeheartedly accepted by viewers all across. The perfect comic timing coupled with an ensemble star-cast of actors such as Paresh Rawal, Ananya Panday, Annu Kapoor, Rajpal Yadav, Vijay Raaz, Abhishek Banerjee, Manjot Singh, Seema Pahwa, Manoj Joshi and the vision of Ektaa R Kapoor & Raaj Shaandilyaa has worked wonders in delivering an amazing hit for Bollywood again.
Expressing gratitude, Ayushmann took to Instagram and wrote, “Thank you for giving me my life’s biggest opening.”
In Dream Girl 2, Ayushmann reprises his role as Karam, who decides to cross-dress as Pooja to make enough money to marry the love of his life, played by Ananya Panday. The film surpassed the opening day figure of his 2019 movie Bala which earned Rs 10.15 Crore. It also starred Bhumi Pednekar.
"It feels amazing to deliver my career's best opening with 'Dream Girl 2'. 'Dream Girl 'is a franchise that has given me a lot of love and I'm really happy with the start that 'Dream Girl 2' has got at the box office," Ayushmann said in a statement.
"As an entertainer, it feels amazing to bring people to theatres and experience them having a great time. 'Dream Girl 2' is a film that delivers entertainment in spades. It has a big promise that people will laugh their hearts out and it is good to note that the film has lived up to the expectations to take this solid start at the counters," he added.
Dream Girl 2 hit the screens on August 25.