Filmmaker Kiran Rao, who was married to Aamir Khan for 16 long years and has a son with him, recently opened up on suffering multiple miscarriages before welcoming her firstborn Azad in their lives. She stated that she had been suffering for a long time due to personal and physical health issues, and it was a blessing when they welcomed Azad via surrogacy.
In a recent interview, Kiran stated that Azad was born in the year her directorial 'Dhobi Ghat' had released in theatres. And that when he was finally born, she did not wish to do anything else but be with her child.
"I had tried very hard to have a child. For five years, I had a lot of miscarriages, a lot of personal, physical health issues. I was just finding it very hard to have a child. I was really keen to have a child, so when Azad was born it was... I didn’t have to make a decision. All I wanted to do was raise my baby," she said.
After Dhobi Ghat, which released in 2011, Kiran made her directorial comeback with Laapataa Ladies in 2024 and the film received rave reviews from the audience. Kiran stated that she does not regret staying away from filmmaking for over 10 years as she was busy raising her son.
"I enjoyed having Azad so much. Those were some of the best years of my life. I’ll never regret not having made a film in 10 years," she gushed.
Aamir and Kiran welcomed Azad in 2011 via IVF surrogacy and the Lagaan actor had stated that he does not want to hide the fact from his fans as there was nothing wrong with it. "It has brought a lot of happiness in our lives," he had said.