Popular actor Karan Kundrra recently conducted a Grih Pravesh puja at his newly acquired residence, offering his fans a sneak peek into the auspicious event. Taking to his Instagram Story on a Monday, Karan shared a series of captivating videos where he is seen meticulously engaging in the rituals of the traditional puja. For the occasion, he donned an elegant silk orange printed kurta, exuding a sense of reverence and devotion.
Reports indicate that Karan Kundrra finalised the purchase of this house back in May 2022. The luxurious abode is situated in a prestigious building located in the posh neighborhood of Bandra, Mumbai, boasting breathtaking views of the serene sea.
Karan's new home isn't just about scenic beauty; it also offers exclusive amenities that exemplify the epitome of luxury living. Notably, the apartment features a private lift, ensuring privacy and convenience for the actor. Additionally, it boasts a splendid swimming pool, providing a perfect space for relaxation and leisure. The estimated value of this lavish flat is said to exceed a whopping Rs 20 crore, showcasing Karan's penchant for elegance and comfort in his choice of residence.
While enjoying his new home, Karan Kundrra is simultaneously engrossed in his professional commitments. He is set to appear in the much-anticipated film 'Thank You For Coming,' which also stars renowned talents like Bhumi Pednekar, Dolly Singh, Kusha Kapila, Shehnaaz Gill, and Anil Kapoor. Directed by Karan Boolani, the film explores themes of female friendship, the lives of single women, love, and the pursuit of pleasure, promising a captivating cinematic experience.
Produced by Balaji Telefilms Limited and Anil Kapoor Film Communication Network Pvt. Ltd, 'Thank You For Coming' has been penned by the talented duo Radhika Anand and Prashasti Singh. Fans can mark their calendars for October 6, 2023, as the film is all set to hit theaters worldwide, offering an exciting blend of entertainment and insightful storytelling.
Karan Kundrra's journey continues to captivate both on and off the screen, as he balances the roles of a talented actor and a discerning homeowner with grace and style.