Fabulous Lives vs Bollywood Wives, titled Fabulous Lives of Bollywood Wives for its first two seasons, recently premiered on Netflix. This season features a Delhi vs. Mumbai theme, with Ranbir Kapoor's sister, Riddhima Kapoor Sahni, Shalini Passi, and Kalyani Saha Chawla—joining the original Mumbai crew, Maheep Kapoor, Seema Sajdeh, Bhavana Pandey, and Neelam Kothari.
During the season, Delhi and Mumbai gang head to Mauritius for an exotic girls trip, where cricketer Shubman Gill's name comes up in conversation. Bhavana Pandey is heard telling the Delhi girls that the Mumbai gang will be hosting a 'fun fashion show' and an 'after-party' for them. She adds, "It won't be as formal as the ball you had. It will be a little more casual, more fun. I am saying there is going to be Bollywood, and there's going to be cricketers."
An excited Neelam asks, "(MS) Dhoni's coming? What about Shubham (Gill)?" Bhavana hilariously reacts, "Shubam is one-quarter your age." She says, "I don't wanna hook up with him."
Bhavana adds, "It's not Shubham, its Shubnam. Shubnam Gill." Maheep then asks, "Shubnam Gill, Shabnam, Shubnam...?" After several attempts, Seema finally corrects everyone, saying, "It is Shubman."
Bhavana remarks that Shubman Gill is cute, to which Maheep responds "Yeah, of course, he's cute! Listen, I just know he is a cute chap. He's playing really well. Yay! Yay! Go for it.
"He better not be watching this," concludes Neelam.
During the season, Maheep also revealed that she has been diagnosed with 'severe' Type-1 diabetes. She shared that her nephew, Mohit Marwah 'saved her life' as doctors informed her that she could have gone into organ failure if she had arrived later for treatment.