Lal Salaam, starring Vishnu Vishal and Vikranth in the lead and featuring superstar Rajinikanth's extended cameo, witnessed a slow start at the box office. The much-anticipated and hyped film, directed by Rajinikanth's daughter Aishwarya, released in theatres on Friday (February 9). However, it did not receive the response as was expected.
According to several media reports, earned only Rs 4.30 crore (early estimates) on its release day, across all languages. However, it is expected to earn well over the weekend. Lal Salaam had an overall 30.35 per cent Tamil occupancy. Reportedly, the Telugu occupancy was 18.73 per cent.
It may be noted that several shows of Lal Salaam were cancelled in Telangana and Andhra Pradesh due to poor ticket sales.
During the film’s music launch, music maestro AR Rahman had disclosed that Rajinikanth also contributed to the dialogues in the film, besides playing a pivotal role. He is seen as a Muslim character named Moideen Bhai in the movie.
Lal Salaam is a sports drama which delves into a nuanced topic, conveying a societal message about the importance of religious unity. It also stars Vignesh, Livingston, Senthil, Jeevitha, KS Ravikumar and Thambi Ramaiah in supporting roles. Legendary cricketer Kapil Dev will also be seen in a cameo role in the film.
The film has received a U/A certification from the Central Board of Film Certification. It has a runtime of about two hours and thirty-two minutes.