Jannat Zubair, currently seen in Colors TV's Laughter Chef, took to her Instagram handle today to share a 'photo dump' of the last few days in her life. In this post, while the actress shared a few pictures of her look from the sets of her show 'Laughter Chef,' One picture of the actress where she is seen flaunting her powder pink Dior Bag got us curious, and we did a little digging, only to find out that this bag of the actress costs more than a Lakh.
Well, Jannat's blush pink Lady DIOR bag currently costs roughly around 3 Lakh 12 thousand rupees. The actress' bag is a mini quilted bag with golden embellishments of the brand name.
Jannat, who is currently a part of Colors TV's show 'Laughter Chef' is seen partnering with Reem Sameer on the show. Apart from Reem and Jannat, Laughter Chef also sees popular faces like Karan Kundrra, Arjun Bijlani, Aly Goni, Rahul Vaidya, Ankita Lokhande, Vicky Jain, Kashmera Shah and Krushna Abhishek. The show is hosted by Bharti Singh and is celebrity chef Harpal Singh is seen judging the contestants.
As for Jannat Zubair, the actress, who has been a child artist in shows like 'Phulwa,' 'Maharana Pratap,' and more is also a popular social media influencer and enjoys a whopping followers count of 49.7 million on her Instagram handle.
The actress recently celebrated her 23rd birthday with her friends and family, glimpses of which were shared by her on her Instagram handle.