After much delays and setbacks, actress and now a BJP MP, Kangana Ranaut finally unveiled the trailer of Emergency on Wednesday. In the film, she will be seen playing the role of late Prime Minister Indira Gandhi, and from the looks of the trailer, the actress has effortlessly latched on to the pulse of her character.
The 2-minute-53-second trailer takes the viewer through the rise and fall of Indira, who considers herself synonymous to India. "India is Indira and Indira is India," she says in the trailer, as the nation turns its back against her after she imposes Emergency in the country.
Kangana has made sure to work on her prosthetics and voice modulation to get the look and feel of Indira Gandhi right. The trailer also introduces other key personalities during Indira's regime in the country.
Shreyas Talpade is introduced as Atal Bihari Vajpayee in the trailer while veteran actor Anupam Kher will be seen playing Jayaprakash Narayan. Mahima Chaudhry is back on screens as Pupul Jayakar, Indira Gandhi's close confidante, and late actor Satish Kaushik will be seen playing Jagjivan Ram in the final film of his career.
However, the one actor apart from Kangana who grabs your attention in the trailer is Vishak Nair, who will portray Sanjay Gandhi in the film. His screen presence holds the viewers even in the few minutes that he gets in the trailer.
The trailer also shows Kangana touching on the subject of Khalistanis, something that very actively opines about in her life off the camera. The trailer also sees her character say that all she ever got from the country was hate, and it seems to be Kangana's own personal dig at her large number of haters and critics in showbiz as well as the country.
Emergency was earlier supposed to release in October 2023, however, it was pushed to June this year. But later, Kangana again announced the film's postponement, and it now finally set to see the light of the day on September 6, 2024.
Besides playing a convincing Indira Gandhi on screen, Emergency also serves as Kangana's litmus test as a director, and its success or failure will definitely impact the actress' future course of action in showbiz, now that she is also a hands-on parliamentarian.