Television actress Devoleena Bhattacharjee left her fans shocked after she married her gym trainer and boyfriend Shahnawaz Sheikh in a hush-hush ceremony last year. The wedding was all over the news and the actress was seen taking down the trolls who questioned her inter-faith wedding. And among those who disapproved of her wedding was also her brother, Andeep Bhattacharjee.
Things had gone downhill between Devoleena and Andeep when she decided to marry Shahnawaz. He did not even participate in her wedding festivities.
However, on the occasion of Raksha Bandhan, the actress revealed that all is well between the brother-sister duo now.
Devoleena on mending ties with brother
During a recent interaction, Devoleena revealed that Andeep was indeed unhappy with her marriage with Shahnawaz, and that she gets where he came from, but added, that everything was fine between the siblings now.
"Time heals everything. And siblings are used to with each other's anger. But end of the day we both have our backs and know that very well," she shared.
She went on to call her brother a superhero, and stated that she wants negative people and negativity to stay away from their lives. "It's my family and I know how to keep my relationships healthy. One should not forget I'm one of the favourite bahus of TV screen, Gopi Bahu," she added.
Devoleena - Shahnawaz's wedding
It was on December 14, 2022, that Devoleena tied the knot with her gym trainer Shahnawaz, and the actress even defended him after he was targetted by netizens.
There were also rumours about the actress being pregnant and hence, she decided to marry Shahnawaz, but Devoleena shut everyone down with a strongly-worded message, and stated that she would not entertain anyone questioning her husband or her marriage.
Post her wedding, Andeep had unfollowed her on social media, and had even shared a cryptic note about people being "self-absorbed" and not having respect for anyone else but themselves.