Lovekesh Kataria, Vishal Pandey and Shivani Kumari found themselves in the midst of a huge dilemma after Bigg Boss asked them to campaign in front of the housemates to save themselves. During this campaign, the nominated contestants had to appeal for votes to the housemates and had to tell them why are they better than their opponents. Well, this called for a lot of name calling and revelations by the trio against each other and they clearly did not enjoy it. While Lovekesh Kataria was seen getting emotional even on the stage, after their respective speeches, Vishal, Shivani and Lovekesh were seen hugging each other and breaking down in tears for having to do this.
However, the said campaign clearly affected the bond of the trio.
While Lovekesh and Vishal cleared things out with each other, Shivani Kumari gave into the manipulation of Armaan Malik, Ranvir Shorey and others. Shivani was also seen getting into a tiff with Sana Makbul, someone she shared a great bond with throughout the season of the show.
Well, Lovekesh also happened to reveal about Vishal Pandey’s ’Bhaiyya bhagyshal hai’ comment on Armaan Malik and Kritika Malik which further irked Armaan. Armaan then went ahead to confront Vishal on the same. However, the latter then stated that he said so seeing Kritika take care of Armaan, but clearly, Armaan did not buy that.