In the recent episode of Bigg Boss 17, Munawar Faruqui opened up about his mom's suicide. While talking to fellow contestants Aishwarya Sharma, Neil Bhatt and Rinku Dhawan, the stand-up comedian was seen talking about his journey and how life has been tough for him since he was young.
Rinku asked Faruqui how his mother died. To this, he said, "Suicide." Further, Aishwarya asked, "How old were you then?" That was when Munawar revealed that he was only 13 at the time.
Further, Rinku then asked him the reason behind his mother's suicide. He said, "Lots of reasons. Besides unhappy married life, there was a loan. Dad had a lot of debt. My mother also had a loan. That time, it was kind of humiliating."
Check it out:
He added that due to the debt, he had to leave school at 13 and start working to run his household, which left Neil, Aishwarya, and Rinku shocked.
Munawar was seen getting emotional and said, “Fir kabhi aisa laga toh baat karenge. Par saadhe teen hazaar rupaye ka karza tha sirf," as he walked away.
Meanwhile, in a shocking round of elimination, Sunny Arya also known as Tehelka will get evicted from Bigg Boss 17 after a physical altercation with Abhishek Kumar.