Actor Hrithik Roshan seems to be having a great time with his girlfriend Saba Azad, as they are often spotted spending quality moments together. Amid the wedding rumours of the duo, the 'Krrish 3' actor turned photographer for her recently and clicked a beautiful sunkissed photo of her, sending their fans into a meltdown again.
Hrithik and Saba's wedding rumours surfaced on Friday after a verified Twitter account broke the news of the duo planning to tie the knot in November this year. However, the couple remained silent, and the actor's father Rakesh Roshan finally dismissed the rumours.
From the picture shared by Saba on her official Instagram handle, it is evident that the two are enjoying each other's company and having a great time hanging together.
Taking to her official Instagram handle, the 'Dil Kabaddi' actress gave a photo credit to Hrithik, winning the internet. In the photo, she can be seen sitting on a sofa with her hair down and smiling while looking at her phone. Her sleeveless, embroidered top paired with white pants make for the perfect casual wear at home. In the caption, she wrote, "Casual late afternoon scroll @hrithikroshan".
Recently, the duo also made an appearance at the airport when Hrithik was departing for Hyderabad. It was reported that Saba went there with Hrithik as he was getting ready to board a flight to Hyderabad for the shoot of ‘Fighter’ with Deepika Padukone.
Speaking about their wedding rumours, while father Rakesh Roshan dismissed all the claims and said there is nothing like that as of now, another source close to the actor stated that Hrithik and Saba are currently trying to get to know each other.