Recently released Ghoomer is a poignant tale showcasing the achievements of differently abled athletes in the face of adversity. The plot revolves around Anina (Saiyami Kher), a gifted cricket player whose aspirations are shattered by a life-altering event. Regardless of the setback, Anina remains unyielding, and, with the guidance of her coach Paddy (Abhishek Bachchan), she embarks on a journey to make a comeback. The duo collaborates to create a unique bowling technique, Ghoomer, which becomes the cornerstone of Anina's triumph. The movie is a potent reminder that no challenge is insurmountable if one has the courage to persevere.
In a remarkable celebration of sporting determination and perseverance, PVR INOX hosted an exclusive screening for the Mumbai Deaf Women’s Cricket Team. The movie stands as a testament to the indomitable spirit of athletes who have triumphed over challenges in the realm of sports and served as a true tribute to the real-life sportswomen, who have stood against all odds. The eventful evening witnessed the presence of Abhishek Bachchan and Saiyami Kher, who added an extra layer of excitement for the attendees. The renowned star cast joined the Mumbai Deaf Women's Cricket team for this special occasion, marking a true fusion of inspiration and recognition, and was amazed by the Team’s determined energy.
The players were captivated by the stellar performances portrayed in the movie and took the opportunity to engage with the star cast in conversations that highlighted the dedication and hard work put into bringing the narrative to life.
Sharing his reflections on the evening, Actor Abhishek Bachchan, who portrays the role of Coach Paddy in the film, expressed, "Meeting these remarkable female athletes, who, much like Anina, have triumphed over adversities to achieve the extraordinary, is an immense privilege. Their genuine appreciation and recognition for Ghoomer hold a special significance. Being a part of this event brings me immense joy.”