In an unusual incident in Koppal, Karnataka, a student received Nirma detergent bar after he orders an iPhone from the e-commerce giant flipkart .
According to reports, Harsha S ordered an iPhone from the world's largest online retailer, Flipkart, in the year 2021 but instead received a detergent soap bar and a little keypad phone.
In the latest events of the case, the District Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission of Koppal has ordered Flipkart and its retailer to pay ₹25,000 as compensation for deficiency in service. unfair trade practice, causing mental agony and physical harassment to a consumer.
In his complaint, Harsha said that he was shocked after opening the parcel that he received as it contained a small keypad phone and one ‘Nirma’ detergent soap of 140 grams in it. He also paid Rs. 48,999 for the iPhone when ordered.
Last week, the commission in its order said that the sellers should take responsibility even after selling the product. “It is worthwhile to mention here that, now-a-days online shopping is spreading everywhere, because it is time and money saving, but the responsibilities of the companies cannot be over after selling of the product, as it is the bounden duty of the companies to satisfy their customers, because it does not give any liberty to usurp the money of the consumers either by sending wrong items/product to cheat the customers and to gulp the money of customer,” said the commission in its order.
The commission further ordered Flipkart and its retail seller to pay compensation of Rs.10,000 for deficiency in service and unfair trade practice and another Rs. 15,000 for mental agony, physical harassment and cost of litigation of the consumer. The order also said to refund the cost of the phone Rs. 48,999, all within eight weeks.
(with inputs from PTI)