Maharashtra SSC Result 2023: Chairman of the state board Sharad Gosavi, who announced the results on Friday, said 93.83% students of the 15,29,096 lakh students who took the exam from Maharashtra passed this year. But the number of high scorers declined by 3.18% in comparison to 2022 when exams were held offline.
Pune division's results dipped from to 96.9% in 2022 to 95.64% this year. Marathi had the lowest pass percentage among all the subjects at 97.5%, while pass percentage in English subject is highest at 99% for the division. Konkan division recorded the highest success rate of 98.11% owing to fewer candidates.
"The pass percentage has dropped by 3.18 percent, when compared to last year. In comparison with the pass percentage of academic year 2019-20, which was pre-pandemic; there is a drop of 1.47 percent." Sharad Gosavi, Chairperson of Maharashtra State Board.
Latur division set a new record with 108 students in the state scoring 100% marks and the division was in the eight place.
Check list of 100% result of students, zone wise here:
Latur: 108
Aurangabad: 22
Amravati: 7
Mumbai: 6
Pune: 5
Konkan: 3
The Maharashtra Class 10 board examination in the state was conducted from March 2 to March 25, 2023, at various exam centres across the state. There were 15,49,666 regular students registered for this exam from the nine divisional boards of the state, comprising Pune, Nagpur, Aurangabad, Mumbai, Kolhapur, Amravati, Nashik, Latur, and Konkan.
A total of 14,34,898 of the 15,29,096 students who took the exam passed. The overall pass percentage is 93.83 percent.