Home-grown Ramkrishna Forgings on Tuesday said it has bagged an order worth Euro 8.25 million, about Rs 73.65 crore, for the supply of equipment to a client in the South American market.
The company will be supplying front and rear axle components for the next five years, it said in a statement.
"This contract represents a significant step in our journey to expand and diversify our operations in the South American market," said Ramkrishna Forgings CFO Lalit Kumar Khetan.
"We are honoured to be chosen for this partnership which signifies not only our prowess in providing high-quality components but also solidifies our commitment to fostering innovation and excellence in the automotive segment," he said.
Ramkrishna Forgings
The Kolkata-based company is a leading supplier of rolled, forged, and machined products. It has formed a joint venture with Titagarh Railsystems to manufacture and supply 80,000 wheels to the Indian Railways.
The company, which exports to over 50 countries, has a manufacturing facility in Jamshedpur in Jharkhand.