Book Review: Shikha Puri Arora’s ‘Move Better’ Is Good Pick For Who Want Long-Term Help

Book Review: Shikha Puri Arora’s ‘Move Better’ Is Good Pick For Who Want Long-Term Help

How many of us just ignore the way we stand, walk or sit?

Sapna SarfareUpdated: Sunday, April 07, 2024, 01:19 AM IST

Title: Move Better: A Two-step Guide to Efficient Posture and Increased Mobility
Author: Shikha Puri Arora

Publisher: ‎Penguin Random House India

Pages: 336

Price: Rs 350

How many of us just ignore the way we stand, walk or sit? How many of us don’t figure out that the way we sit or walk impacts our body? How many ignore or misunderstand the body aches and pains and suffer the consequences? Can we find a way to help our body through better posture and mobility?

All this and much more is answered in the book, Move Better: A Two-Step Guide to Efficient Posture and Increased Mobility. Written by Shikha Puri Arora, the book is an attempt to provide solutions by doing the right things to improve your health. Shikha is a rehab and movement coach and the founder of Move

Better Wellness, India’s first online and offline rehab fitness platform. It helps people deal with their various musculoskeletal troubles.

The book  is a practical guide that explains the ways you can damage your body and result in issues with knees, aches or sprain, bad dependency on the wrong ‘solutions’ like painkillers, office chairs and more.  It talks in detail about how certain simple techniques and exercises can be a more permanent answer to all of your posture and mobility solutions than the temporary relief you seek. Shikha sites examples of people who approached her with troubles and how she has helped them with her simple ways.

Her language is extremely simple and explanatory without troubling you with high-brow fitness jargon. There is an ease in understanding the troubles and what can be done to heal them. There are in-depth chapters that cover almost everything possible. You find an answer to all troubles. The best part would be the photos of the postures (right and wrong) and ways to deal with the various issues. Any confusion will go away thanks to the photo illustration.

The only thing you have to keep in mind is that the book is not for those looking for quick answers. It is all about making a forever lifestyle change. Thanks to the examples through her clients, she has made sure that you understand how better mobility and posture is relevant in today’s struggle to keep up with the fast-paced and stressful world.  

Move Better: A Two-Step Guide to Efficient Posture and Increased Mobility by Shikha Puri Arora is a good pick for those struggling with body troubles and want long-term help.


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