Bhopal (Madhya Pradesh): Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan announced that unmarried women (above 21 years) will also get the benefit of Ladli Behna Yojana. Their names will be added in the scheme. He made this announcement during the Jan Ashirwad Yatra in Jabalpur on Friday evening. He added that there are many women who have not got married and now, their names will also be added under the Scheme.
Talking about the historic decision of providing education of medical and engineering in Hindi language, he said that Class 12 exam were held simultaneously in Private and Government Schools but it was seen that students of private schools, who used to get selected more in the NEET exam.
To provide a fair chance to the students of poor people and those studying in government schools, he decided that two merit lists (of NEET) will be prepared-- first will be of private schools and others and the second list will be of government school students. Now the poor students can also become doctors.