Bhopal (Madhya Pradesh): A male tiger in the Bandhavgarh Tiger Reserve in Madhya Pradesh's Umaria district killed a two-year-old tigress, according to a forest official on Thursday. The incident occurred after a confrontation on Tuesday, as reported by Manpur ranger Mukesh Ahirwar.
Forest guards discovered the tigress's carcass around 9 am on Tuesday, prompting them to notify senior officers. The examination revealed a broken neck and nail injuries on the tigress, indicating that she was killed in a tiger fight. Following an autopsy, the carcass was disposed of in accordance with regulations.
Madhya Pradesh boasts several tiger reserves, including Kanha, Bandhavgarh, Pench, Satpura, Panna, and Sanjay Dubri.
Leopard Cub Spotted In Indore's Residential Gandhi Nagar
On Thursday morning, residents of Gandhi Nagar in Indore were surprised to spot a leopard cub in their residential area. A video capturing the presence of the cub was promptly sent to the Forest Department along with the live location by concerned residents. Notably, the previous evening between 8 to 9 pm, villagers in Nanod (near Super Corridor) of Indore had reported sightings of a leopard and its cub wandering in nearby colonies.
Similarly, a leopard was spotted at Infosys Campus in Indore last week.