Gwalior (Madhya Pradesh): In a frightening incident, a dead body, with detached ears, has been found hidden in the bushes of Rakkas hill near Sagar Tal government-multi in Bahodapur police station area of Gwalior district on Sunday evening.
As soon as informed, the police rushed to the spot and carried out an investigation. A case of murder has been registered against unknown people. Also, it is suspected that the man has been sacrificed through tantra-mantra.
According to information, Lal Singh, a 40-year-old labourer and a resident of Rai Colony, Ghas Mandi was found dead on Rakkas hill of Gwalior in an abnormal condition. His face was buried in the ground and was badly injured. Both his ears were cut off.
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Also, an earthen lamp (diya) was placed on his face, on which vermilion had been applied. Another earthen lamp was also placed upside down on the stomach. Other than these, a motorcycle key, liquor and others were also found at the spot.
Family of the deceased said Lal Singh was missing since 9 pm Saturday night. They also lodged a missing complaint about him on Sunday.
Meanwhile, in the morning, when a villager went to the same hill to graze his cattle, saw the dead body lying among the bushes in a deserted area. When the man saw the face, he learned it’s Lal Singh. Sooner, he then informed Lal Singh’s family, when the suspicious case of black magic came to light.
Currently, the police have registered a case against an unidentified person under relevant sections. The body has been sent for post-mortem. The deceased’s family has given a name to the police on the basis of their suspicion. The person is missing from his house and is being searched by the police.