Jabalpur (Madhya Pradesh): In a distressing incident that has sparked public outrage, a 3-year-old girl in Jabalpur was reportedly subjected to an attempted rape in Madhya Pradesh's Jabalpur. Shockingly, when the family sought help at the Ghamapur police station on Thursday, the TI allegedly refused to register their complaint, saying it will defame the family.
Additionally, the police station in-charge Pramod Sahu purportedly advised them to modify their complaint, suggesting that they should accuse the perpetrator of merely grabbing the hand of the victim's mother, in order to avoid any kind of defamation.
Rape accused is victim’s neighbour
According to information, the victim’s family lives in Hanumangarhi area of Ghamapur. On Thursday noon, she was sleeping alone inside her house. Kalu, who lives in the neighbourhood, entered the room and closed the door from inside. Meanwhile, the girl's aunt caught sight of Kalu entering the house. When she raised an alarm, he ran away. The girl's mother also reached home after hearing the sound. The mother said that her daughter had no clothes on her body.
Station In-charge said, “Don't file a case, go home”
According to the victim's family, they went straight to Ghamapur police station after the incident. Police station in-charge Pramod Sahu said, “Do not file a complaint. Go home.”
People became outrageous
The gravity of the situation escalated when news of the family's ordeal spread throughout the locality, prompting a spontaneous gathering of concerned citizens. Local MLA and former minister Lakhan Ghanghoria also reached the spot. People raised slogans. The police station in-charge was also surrounded. Seeing the situation worsening, police forces from four other police stations reached the spot. Only after 2 CSPs arrived at the spot , the crowd could be controlled.