Bhopal (Madhya Pradesh): Chief Minister Mohan Yadav has directed the officers to show promptness in implementing the National Education Policy in Madhya Pradesh. He issued orders while reviewing the school education department at Mantralaya on Wednesday.
Yadav asked the officers to hold a joint meeting of the Board of Secondary Education and all departments connected with education. He underlined the need for better coordination between school education and higher education.
Moreover, he directed that the education department work in the direction of providing employment-oriented education to the students.
He emphasised the need to improve the quality of education and to innovate in the education field.
In the meantime, the officers of the education department gave a detailed presentation before him and acquainted him with the achievements received in the education field. They also gave a PowerPoint presentation highlighting various things and facts related to education.
CM interacted with the officers of the education department and tried to know what problems they were facing.
The meeting was attended by senior officers, including Principal Secretary for School Education Department Rashmi Arun Shami and Commissioner for Rajya Shiksha Kendra Dhanraju S, etc.