Bhopal: The 77-year-old legendary actor made the above statement to media persons at Raja Bhoj Airport, Bhopal on Friday. The moment he came out of the Raja Bhoj Airport terminal building, he was surrounded by media persons and fans.
He was in the city to celebrate 90th birthday of his mother-in-law Indira Bahaduri. He reached Bhopal by charted aircraft around 11am along with his wife Jaya, son Abhishek, daughter-in-law Aishwarya and granddaughter Aradhya were with him. Some of them were clad in woolens.
Bachchan family went to Jehan Numa Retreat directly from airport to celebrate Indira’s birthday. They stayed in the hotel till four-five hours. After that they flew back to Mumbai by the same charted aircraft around 4pm. But Jaya Bachchan didn’t go to Mumbai. She is still in Bhopal.
Sister-in-law of Rita Verma and her husband Rajeev Verma were also present. Rajeev told Free Press “Bachchan Sahahb had come Bhopal to celebrate his mother-in-law’s birthday especially. After that he went back to Mumbai.”
Big B has been feted with Dadasaheb Phalke Award recently. And it was his first visit in the city after getting the award.
Due to sudden visit of Big B, the local administration strengthen security in an around the Ansal Apartment, Shyamla Hills in the city, where Indira Bahaduri stays.
Abhishek and Aishwarya have visited many times in the city to meet their grandmother. But in 2010 and 2013, they came to Bhopal to celebrate Indira’s birthday.