Gwalior (Madhya Pradesh): A youth allegedly abducted a four-year-old girl who was sleeping with her parents at her home in Gwalior on Sunday night. The accused, who is the victim’s landlord’s son, threw the girl in an injured state on a nearby hill after the girl’s parents informed the police. Police have started searching for the accused while the girl has been admitted to a hospital for treatment.
The incident has been caught on CCTV.
The matter has been reported from lane number 3 located in Naka Chandravadni under Jhansi Road police station area, where the girl was sleeping next to her parents in their rented house. In the early morning the accused entered the room, picked up the girl and started running away. Hearing the sounds, the victim’s parents woke up. In an attempt to catch the youth they started running behind him. Meanwhile they also informed the police about the incident.
According to information, the accused is mentally ill.
No signs of sexual harassment
As soon as police got the information, they reached the spot and started chasing the accused. During the chase in bushes on the Cancer Hill, the accused threw the girl and fled the spot. Police found the girl lying on the hill in an injured condition in the morning.
Speaking on the matter, police officials said that the girl's condition is normal now. Prima facie there are no signs of sexual harassment. Police have currently booked the accused under sections 363, 364 and 307 of IPC and started searching for him.