Bhopal (Madhya Pradesh): Gandhi Nagar police station TI Praveen Tripathi said that the bags, which were kept by the students at the examination centre on the RGPV campus were stolen by unidentified miscreants. He added that no CCTV cameras have been installed at the examination centre too, making it hard to identify the accused.
Tripathi said when the college management was hit up in this regard, they said that they are devoid of budget to install CCTV cameras. The director of the university, Sudhir Singh Bhadoria, said that after receiving numerous complaints of bag thefts, the students have been directed to keep their bags inside the exam hall itself and arrangements have been made for the same.
A second-year student, Abhay Solanki, said that a majority of bags which were stolen belong to the second-year students. Another student requesting anonymity said that when he came out of the exam hall, his bag s chain was open and his mobile phone was missing. He reported the matter to the police and is hopeful of getting it back soon.