Bhopal (Madhya Pradesh): In a heart wrenching incident, a software engineer hailing from the city of Bhopal died after jumping in to Bada Talab on Sunday afternoon. The police have not found any suicide note so far. Preliminary investigation suggests that he was under stress due to a home loan.
The police have registered a case of accidental death. The body has been handed over to the family after the post-mortem. The police stated that detailed statements from the family have not yet been recorded.
According to information, Devendra Tomar (43), son of Ram Mohan Singh Tomar, lived in the Chunabhatti area. He was a software engineer at a private company and had been working from home for the past year.
On Sunday morning, he left home saying he was going for a morning walk. Eyewitnesses reported seeing Devendra by the lake around 7 AM.
He appeared to be contemplating something for a while before suddenly jumping into the water. With the help of municipal corporation divers, his body was recovered. No suicide note was found on his body. There is also no information yet on whether he made any calls or sent any messages before the suicide. Detailed statements from the family have not yet been recorded.
Alleged reason
According to information, Tomar took out a home loan and a couple of installments were due. He was also going through a financial crisis for a long time. Allegedly, the stress of due installments and dire financial conditions led to Tomar taking this huge step.
Devendra Tomar has left behind a wife of 14 years and two kids, a boy and a girl.
If you or anyone you know is struggling with suicidal thoughts, seek help here: | Mental Health Helpline