Bhopal (Madhya Pradesh): Religious events are slated to be held in the city on Monday to mark consecration of Ram idol in Ayodhya. In view of the same, security has been beefed up in the city. Police commissioner Harinarayanachari Mishra told Free Press that vigil would maintained by drones. The police are keeping a check on people arriving in the city and staying at hotels and lodges. A check drive had been launched at railway stations and bus stands. Vigil is also being maintained on trains heading to Ayodhya. All the SPs have been alerted. Till January 27, no protests, sit-ins and demonstrations will be allowed in Bhopal.
Ram bhajans woven into Kathak
Shlokas, bandish and bhajans (devotional songs) based on Lord Ram were woven into Kathak by danseuse V Anuradha Singh and her troupe on Sunday evening . It was part of the annual Pandit Kartik Ram Smriti Samaroh ‘Shri Ram Prakatya Parv’ organised by Vrinda Kathak Kendra, Bhopal, to mark the consecration of Ram Temple in Ayodhya on January 22. Anuradha performed solo on ‘Shri Ram Rama Ramanam…,’ ‘Thumak Chalat Ram Chandra…’ and ‘Raghunandan Deen Dayal Ho Tum...’, which won a huge round of applause from the audience. She also presented pure Kathak, Uthan, Bol, Paran, and Bol of 21 and 51 Chakkar.
After that, Khyati Bamania presented Uthaan, Bol, Paran, 21 Chakkar Bol and Raghupati Raghav Raja Ram. At the end, 50 dancers gave three Kathak group performances in which they presented pure Kathak and Tatkar. They also presented dance on bhajan ‘Ram Siya Ram’ In the second group, 20 dancers presented ‘Shri Ram Chandra Kripalu Bhajaman’ and 10 dancers presented the bhajan ‘Payo Ji Maine Ram Ratan Dhan Payo’.