Bhopal: Digvijaya reveals name of minor gang-rape victim

Bhopal: Digvijaya reveals name of minor gang-rape victim

Disclosing victim’s name is treated as criminal offence under POCSO Act

Staff ReporterUpdated: Saturday, February 25, 2023, 10:44 PM IST
Former chief minister Digvijaya Singh |

Bhopal (Madhya Pradesh): Former chief minister Digvijaya Singh, known for his controversial statements and tweets, again kicked up a row on Saturday.

Singh tweeted about a tribal girl who was gang-raped. He also posted on social media along with his tweet the complaint lodged by the girl’s father at the Rehti police station.

The plaint contained her father’s name, address and other details. Consequently, Singh’s post revealed the girl’s identity.

His action is treated as criminal offence under the Protection of Children from Sexual Offences (POCSO) Act.

According to the Act, the identity of a rape victim should not be revealed. Under section 228A of the Indian Penal Code (IPC), one can get up to two years of jail in such cases.

Singh had courted a controversy by posting a wrong photograph related to Khargone riots. He, however, keeps on making such slips.

Although people objected to Singh’s tweet, he did not delete it. According to BJP spokesperson Narendra Saluja, revealing the identity of any rape victim is a criminal offence under the IPC.

Singh has committed a crime by disclosing the name of the girl, Saluja said, adding that the Congress leader misleads people.

The police took action on the incident a week ago, Saluja further said.

JAYS, Bhim Army stage sit-in at police station

Members of the Bhim Army and those of Jai Adivasi Yuva Shakti Sanghathan staged a sit-in outside the police station in Rehti on Saturday alleging that the cops were protecting a rape accused. According to reports, two men raped a minor tribal girl in Rehti. The girl along with her family members lodged a complaint at the police station.

One of the accused was arrested and sent to jail, but another culprit is still at large.

The girl told the police that when she was returning home on February 15, two youths stopped her on the way and took her to a nearby forest where they had violated her.

In-charge of the Rehti police station GS Rajput said a case had been lodged against the culprit on February 15. He was arrested and sent to jail, he said.


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