Bhopal (Madhya Pradesh): An assistant sub-inspector posted at Chhola Police station, Santosh Singh Dangi, was caught by the Lokayukta Police while accepting a bribe of Rs 10,000 on Saturday. The ASI was demanding the amount from the complainant, Hemant Kumar Arya, a resident of Geeta Nagar in Bhanpur, to settle a complaint against him.
A person named Jagdish Sharma had lodged a complaint with the Chhola police against Kumar. Speaking to Free Press, SP Lokayukta Police Manu Vyas said that the ASI was pressuring a person to settle the complaint against him.
Dangi had demanded Rs 50,000 to dispose of the complaint. “It was for two to three months that Dangi was constantly building pressure on the person to cough out the money,” he added. Following a complaint by the victim, a trap was laid and the ASI was caught red-handed, while accepting the bribe. A case has been filed against the accused.
Bhopal: Man Held While Ferrying ₹63 Lakh |
Bhopal: Man Held While Ferrying ₹63 Lakh
Bhopal (Madhya Pradesh): The Koh-e-fiza police claimed to have arrested a man for ferrying Rs 63 lakh in cash in a car on Friday night. Koh-e-fiza police station TI Brijendra Marskole said that they had stopped a car during the night patrolling and the man inside the car identified himself as Narendra Agrawal, a native of Sagar district.
When the police inspected his car, they found Rs 63 lakh in cash. When questioned about the money, Agrawal said that he is a goldsmith and had procured the money by selling gold and silver ornaments to his clients in Bhopal.
He was on his way to Sagar, but was detained by the cops. He also failed to produce the necessary documents. All the bundles of money, as well as the car were seized and he was taken into custody. The police have begun probing the case and will speak to all the clients that Agrawal has claimed to have procured the money from.