Bhopal (Madhya Pradesh): Following the explosion at a firecracker factory in Harda, SDM Ravi Shrivastav, along with the police, took action at a firecracker shop at housing board colony in Bhopal.
Additionally, a plan is underway to relocate the Halalpur firecracker market from Bhopal. Currently, there are 13 firecracker shops located between petrol pumps, marriage gardens, and residential areas. This move aims to ensure safety, considering the potential hazards associated with such markets.
Halalpur hosts a significant firecracker market where 13 shops operate year-round, distributing fireworks within a radius of approximately 1.5 kilometers. The market stocks millions worth of fireworks during Diwali. The vicinity also includes over half a dozen marriage gardens, petrol pumps, and residential areas, posing concerns for potential accidents.
The administration will now inspect firecracker factories and shops in Bhopal regularly. Within the next 24 hours, officials will submit reports. Following CM D Mohan Yadav's directives, Collector Kaushalendra Vikram Singh has instructed all SDMs to conduct inspections.
CM Mohan Yadav has instructed all collectors to submit reports within 24 hours, detailing compliance with regulations in operating firecracker factories in their respective districts. Consequently, Bhopal Collector Singh has formed a team to inspect factories or shops in all SDM areas. The inspection reports will be submitted after completion on Wednesday.