Bhopal (Madhya Pradesh): There are plans to set up cyber desks in 300 police stations of the state in the initial phase, while it will take around three years to set up such desks in all the 1100 police station of the state, said ADG, cyber crime, Yogesh Deshmukh, while talking to Free Press. The ADG said a proposal of Rs 30 crore had been sent to Police Headquarters for the same.
In the first phase, all district headquarters and all sub divisional headquarters will be covered, he added. At present, cyber help desk are functional at zonal and range police headquarters. Initially, basic software would be given to them and after their skill enhancement, they will be upgraded accordingly.
The cyber desk will help police in cobating increasing crime in the state by upgrading cyber-enabled infrastructure. A recent study stated that in the past five years cybercrime against children in the state rose drastically. It has registered a 4800% increase in number of cases. Police department sources said hundreds of cases of cyber crime remain unaddressed because the victim has no place to file
Bhopal: Convict Escapes From Hamidia Hospital
Bhopal (Madhya Pradesh): A convict in an attempt-to-murder case escaped from Hamidia hospital on Tuesday evening. According to the Koh-e-fiza police, Ajay Gaur, 35, was imprisoned in Raisen jail on March 16, 2023. He was brought to the hospital on Monday for a hernia operation. His operation took place on Tuesday, which was successful.
On Tuesday evening, when he was resting inside his ward, he managed to set himself free from the handcuffs. He broke the window of the ward and leaped over it to escape from the hospital.
When the guard peeped inside the ward after some time to monitor his activities, he found him missing and informed the senior officials. A search was launched to nab Gaur. Meanwhile, the constable, who was appointed as the guard to keep an eye on Gaur, was suspended.