To mark the Onam festival and highlight its six new touchpoints in Kerala, Volkswagen has launched special editions of its popular models, the Taigun and Virtus. Limited to just 100 units each, the Taigun Onam Edition, based on the GT Line, is priced between Rs 14.08 lakh and Rs 15.63 lakh. The Virtus Onam Edition, built on the Highline trim, starts from Rs 13.57 lakh and goes up to Rs 14.87 lakh. All prices are ex-showroom.
The Volkswagen Taigun and Virtus Onam Editions stand out with their exclusive all-black styling, both inside and out. These special editions also feature new additions like front parking sensors, puddle lamps, and a TSI badge on the front fender.
The Volkswagen Taigun Onam Edition, which is based on the GT Line model, maintains the same premium features and safety technology as the GT Line. This includes blacked-out 17-inch alloy wheels, a powered sunroof, ventilated front seats, a 10-inch infotainment touchscreen, an 8-inch digital instrument cluster, and automatic climate control.
The Volkswagen Virtus Onam Edition is built on the Highline trim and offers nearly the same features as the Taigun Onam Edition, with one notable exception: it lacks the powered sunroof. This special edition shares many high-end features with the Taigun Onam Edition, including the distinctive all-black design, dual-tone horn, front parking sensors, puddle lamps, and a TSI badge on the front fender, providing a similar premium experience.
The new Volkswagen Onam Editions come exclusively with a 1.0L, 3-cylinder turbo petrol engine, delivering 115bhp and 175Nm of torque. These special editions, like their standard counterparts, offer the choice between a 6-speed manual transmission or a 6-speed torque converter automatic transmission.
In the Indian market, the Volkswagen Taigun faces competition from models like the Hyundai Creta and Kia Seltos, which are popular choices in the midsize SUV segment. The Virtus competes with the Skoda Slavia and Honda City in the midsize sedan category.