Amid the deadly train tragedy near Balasore in Odisha that led to the collision of three trains, an outpouring of condolences is seen for the victims and their families from several international dignitaries, each expressing their deep sorrow over the tragic incident and wishing for quick recovery of all survivors and victims in the ongoing search and rescue efforts.
Taiwanese President, Australian and Sri Lankan FM's express grief
Taiwanese President Tsai Ing-wen on Saturday offered condolences to the families of victims who lost their lives in Odisha's train accident. Taking to her Twitter handle, Tsai Ing-wen stated, "Praying for everyone affected by the train accident in India. I extend my heartfelt condolences to the victims and their families, and hope that rescue operations can save all those in need."
Foreign Ministers of Australia and Sri Lanka on Saturday expressed their condolences over the loss of lives in the Odisha triple train tragedy in Balasore that claimed 238 people and injured over 900. Australia's Minister of Foreign Affairs Penny Wong said that her thoughts are with the injured and the emergency personnel who are working to assist them.
Penny Wong tweeted, "We send our deepest sympathies following the devastating train crash in India's eastern Odisha state. Our thoughts are also with the many injured, and with the emergency personnel working to assist them."
Sri Lankan Foreign Minister Ali Sabry said that he is "deeply saddened" to learn about the train accident in Odisha. He wished for a speedy recovery for all those affected in the accident. Taking to his official Twitter handle, Ali Sabry stated, "Deeply saddened to learn of the tragic train accident in Odisha. My thoughts & prayers are with the families of the victims & those injured. I hope for a speedy recovery for all those affected. Sri Lanka stands with India in this time of grief."
Canadian and Nepalese PM heartbroken over the accident
Canadian PM Justin Trudeau also took to Twitter, expressing his grief over the deadly tragedy. He said, "The images and reports of the train crash in Odisha, India break my heart. I’m sending my deepest condolences to those who lost loved ones, and I’m keeping the injured in my thoughts. At this difficult time, Canadians are standing with the people of India."
Earlier on Saturday, Nepalese PM Pushpa Prachanda said, "I'm saddened by the loss of dozens of lives in a train accident in Odisha, India today. I extend deep condolences to Prime Minister Shri @narendramodi Ji, Government, and the bereaved families at this hour of grief."
Russian President Vladimir Putin expressed his condolences over the tragedy via the Russian Embassy in India in a statement as follows, "We share the grief of those who lost their loved ones in this tragic accident, and wish a speedy recovery for those injured.”
(With inputs from ANI)