Knight Of Swords: Be bold, courageous, go full throttle
You are standing tall and brave Ariens. He who dares, wins. Big opportunities and changes are coming your way. Jump in and seize the moment. Be the risk taker. This time is not to sit back and reflect but to take action. You will not regret this.
4 of Pentacles: Be open, receptive, and generous
Are you being a miser? Are you blocking abundance with your thoughts and actions? Time to unblock. Be generous and share. Thriftiness doesn’t bring happiness. Be receptive in every aspect of your life and relationships. Remember, sharing is caring.
8 of Cups: Moving to higher ground, letting go
Time to let go of what doesn’t serve your higher good. Move away from toxic people and situations. This phase might indicate a journey or pilgrimage, maybe to the mountains. You are doing what is required for your evolution. Don’t be sad, you are ready to move on.
Queen of Swords reversed: Improve your communication skills
For some reason, your judgement has been compromised and you are using your intelligence wrongly. Sometimes we get derailed from our goals. Take stock and reverse the damage. Be focused on what you want to achieve and come back on track. You have gotten derailed from your goals.
Page of Pentacles: Bearer of good news
Good news and new beginnings are around the corner. Good time for students, businesses and careers. New contracts, learnings, and knowledge will lead to fortunate times. Be grounded.
10 of Wands: Over burden, back issues, excessive responsibility
You may feel stressed and over-burdened. Too much to do and too little time. Lighten your load. Let others carry their own weight. Lift only what is essential to you. Take a moment, breathe, and evaluate what unnecessary burdens you are carrying — consciously and sub-consciously. Let go. Life is meant to be treasured and enjoyed. Being responsible is good but only as much as is required. Being a Libran it's natural for you to strive for balance. Your mantra should be “Too blessed to be stressed.”
3 of Pentacles: Pooling together if resources, help, assistance
This period signifies meeting the right people, who will come together to provide assistance you need. A pooling of effort will lead to success and achievement, hard work and camaraderie. It’s all coming together beautifully.
Death: Transformation, transitions, moving on
This period asks us to accept endings and move on. Transformation and transition is the only way to move to the next chapter in life. You will feel this won’t be superficial. Sometimes you need to go through the process of grief and separation.
Lovers: Love is in the air, balance, cohesiveness
A great and positive time for relationships at all levels as there is great harmony all around. This could be a time to make choices too. Be true to yourself and choose what your heart truly desires to be in a person or a profession!
Temperance: Balance, good health, moderation
This signifies a good phase with health and overall happiness. You have found the balance between heaven and Earth. Your hard work will pay off. Do everything in moderation. The energy of the card is about being balanced, patient, kind, rooted, and in touch with your natural rhythm. The angels protect us.
9 of Wands: You have come a long way
Survival, strength, great perseverance, and fortitude. You have fought with great valour. You have come to the end of your troubles and a positive outcome is around the corner. Hang on and give yourself a pat on the back. You are a survivor.
Queen: Passion, feeling alive, luxury, abundance, fertility
You are the queen! Gorgeous, luxurious, beautiful, abundant and full of life. Your cup is flowing. For those who wish, you could be pregnant. There is fertility in the air. Everything you touch, multiples. Enjoy and wear your crown.
(Gita Hariani is a numerologist, tarot card reader, Bach flowers practitioner and banker Follow her on Instagram: @evolvewithgitahariani)