Pyrite: This Birthstone For Leo Is A Fantastic Repeller Of Toxic Energy

Pyrite: This Birthstone For Leo Is A Fantastic Repeller Of Toxic Energy

If you seek financial abundance and protection against negative energies, get your hands on a pyrite 

Noorulain SayedUpdated: Saturday, August 05, 2023, 10:33 PM IST
Pyrite | Pic: Pexels

Have you ever heard the term ‘fools gold’? It shimmers and glistens a magnificent golden colour and hence pyrite gets this famous moniker. But don’t be fooled by this description for even though this crystal may not be as highly valued as real gold, it has a strong personality of its own. In my experience with it, I found its energy to be masculine. 

Elemental association and birthstone

Pyrite is associated with the element of fire. It can be intimidating to use it if one is not attuned to it properly as it is fiery and powerful. This is one of the reasons why it is said to be best suited for the zodiac sign Leo.

Leos have a strong personality and are known for both their stunning beauty and temper. Pyrite helps in balancing Leo’s lion-like nature and connects them with their higher self.

Where it is mined?

Some of the finest quality pyrite is found in Italy, Spain, Kazakhstan and the US.

Mohs hardness scale

This crystal scores a 6/10 and this means it is not going to be damaged easily but care needs to be taken for a long-lasting use.

Clearing chakras 

If you are experiencing any blockages in the Sacral chakra or Solar Plexus chakra, pyrite is an excellent tool to work with. Many psychics also recommend it to clear out negative energy from the aura and living/office spaces.

Attract abundance

It can also be used in wealth-enhancing rituals. The energy of pyrite is synonymous with power too.

Illuminating intellect

Placing a piece of pyrite near your surroundings can help elevate your intelligence and provide a boost in memory. This is especially handy for those who have a hard time memorising or remembering things daily. 

The energy easier

We have experienced feeling nervous around family, friends or colleagues. Wearing pyrite jewellery or keeping a small piece in your bag will boost confidence. This is mainly because the crystal acts as a catalyst in providing calming energy, which makes one more self-assured and calm. For those who have low self-esteem and a tough time solving problems, pyrite can work wonders. 

Fun fact

Gold metallic flecks within lapis lazuli are actually pyrite!

For jewellery lovers

Pyrite, thanks to its gorgeous appearance, is a favourite among many for pretty ornament pieces. From bracelets, rings, earrings and pendants, one can choose a wide variety of pyrite jewellery. A bonus is that using this crystal near your heart chakra (in the form of pendants) can protect one’s heart against toxic energies from malicious people.

Clearing, cleansing, charging

Whether you opt to smudge it with white sage/palo santo, place it under running water, or give it a full moon ‘bath’, remember that these three steps are crucial for a healthy relationship with your crystals.


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