South Bombay Mahila Samiti is organising a one-day Anando Mela. For sale during the mela will be products made by women artisans. You can shop for Bengal sarees, jewellery, household items, handicrafts items, health and skincare products, and homemade eatables. Fun part is, there will also a lucky draw.
“Our Samiti is a 25-year-old charitable organisation. It is managed by the senior citizen women of South Bombay. Samiti encourages and provides support to women entrepreneurs who support artisans and craftswomen. We also provide incentives to underprivileged girls to pursue higher studies. The mela is a platform for women artisans to sell their products and produce. It is also an opportunity for the elderly women to come together, have fun, indulge, and get entertained,” shares one of the members of the Samiti.
The Samiti has been holding the mela for almost two decades. The proceeds from the sale will be utilised to support charitable projects.
When: April 12, 11 am to 7 pm
Where: Mangal Stree Samaj, ground floor, Pushpa Kunj, A. Road, Churchgate