Mickey Mehta writes about the how dance can help in holistic well-being

Mickey Mehta writes about the how dance can help in holistic well-being

It is a like deep meditation giving rise to a spiritual celebration

Mickey MehtaUpdated: Friday, December 16, 2022, 09:40 PM IST
Pic: Freepik

Movements in rhythm and flow can change the state of mind when someone is upset or disturbed. Movements can help bring it back in order from dis-order, from dis-ease to ease, from getting disoriented to being oriented in harmony and rhythm. A combination of mind, body and soul is movement in flow and rhythm. 

Rhythms and flow are a state of being in which a person becomes fully immersed in an activity seamlessly. When we are in flow, we circulate better. When we are in rhythm and put flow together, not just the circulations of all the essential secretions of hormones, but others such as blood, air, oxygen and the flow of creativity also happen. 

The past remains past and the future remains in the future when you are in rhythm and flow. The thoughts of the past completely dissolve and the absolute awareness with dance in rhythm and flow brings you into here and now. 

In here and now there’s always bliss, harmony, and joy because the whole existence converges in that one moment. In this convergence, there is a celebration and where there is a celebration, there is no pain, hurt, depression, and nothing of the past. Be in the here and now, in continuity so that rhythm and flow act like medicine. 

Dance with the flow and in rhythm

Dance is a means of connecting to broader meanings and deeper emotional experiences — particularly the ones associated with optimism.

Dancing is good for the brain. Professional dance requires high levels of cognitive development, physical training, and neurobics. Dance-based movements can help synchronise people with one another - Entrainment theory, dissolve depression, and improve quality of life. 

However, dancing improves creativity and even reading skills. It also involves nonverbal spatial and musical intelligence. It also provides movement-based therapy for those with Parkinson’s disease and also helps prevent it.

Breath work and dance

When music and movements are synchronised with rhythm and flow, one internalises the sense of joy and joy of being. The rhythm of the beats of music and its high and low notes create a kind of spiritual symphony with heightened awareness. 

Relaxed breathing enhances the immune system, assists in the absorption of nutrients and proteins, supports bone growth and boosts overall cellular health in the body.

During deep breathing, we inhale fresh oxygen and exhale toxins and carbon dioxide. When the blood is oxygenated, it ensures smoother functioning of the vital organs and the immune system. A cleaner, toxin-free, and healthier blood supply wards off infection-causing germs from the lungs.

Sound of music

Any soothing music which is free of cacophony sets the stage for spiritual and physical healing.

Scientific research has shown that a person’s mind significantly influences physical health and the ability to contract or fight disease. Hence, anything that impacts the mind will have a deep impact on the body as well. Music, due to its primordial origins, has the potential to bring us closer to our inner beings. Besides mood-transforming powers, music has powerful effects on a person’s ability to be super conscious, as it makes us more sensitive. Music powerfully aids healing processes to kick in. Because when we engage with music, we are undertaking a journey deep into our inner selves. 

Dance brings you joy

Dance is generally accompanied by music. So, when touch, taste, visuals, and olfactory senses are stimulated it brings about a sense of upliftment of emotions. When your emotions are uplifted, the lows of life dissolve, the mood elevator hormones are triggered and you begin to feel high on life. The upper high of life is with the intoxication of the sound of music. Music peps you. The beats, melody, harmony, symphony of music, decoding and the impact of the words… transform the mindset from pain to joy. 

It is a like deep meditation giving rise to a spiritual celebration. The state of celebration is the best substitute for medicine - dis-order to order and dis-ease to ease. Once again a state of celebration and joy becomes medicinal, releasing healing hormones in our bloodstream.

Celebration Maximized...Get Rhythmized…Get Mickeymized!!!

(Mickey Mehta is a global leading holistic health guru and life coach; website: www.drmickeymehta.com. You can follow him on:

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