Mickey Mehta writes about how to meditate properly

Mickey Mehta writes about how to meditate properly

Meditation helps you get into a state of extreme Zen. However, there’s a certain way it has to be done to get the best results

Mickey MehtaUpdated: Saturday, August 12, 2023, 10:09 PM IST

Meditation helps you get into a state of extreme Zen. However, there’s a certain way it has to be done to get the best results. It starts with concentration on the breath then relaxing your body then you are in the process of universal awareness, which leads you to abundant and vibrant consciousness.

Everyone understands the passive way of meditating – simply stop doing and start being. It is withdrawing from all the activities that you are doing and coming to a standstill. However, when you come to a standstill your mind ticks. So, allow your mind to settle and take a pause, and enjoy the stillness to begin with. You need to take an interest in being with yourself, in being introduced to yourself because you have not known yourself.

Silence creates profound meanings and becomes important. Many insights come to us as we meditate in silence because our senses calm down and aren’t stimulated as they do in many other aspects of our lives. As our senses begin to settle and calm down, they integrate and become one. This oneness of senses is a powerhouse of perception, and it begins to introspect-retrospect and brings about solutions, realisations, insights, foresight, and intuitions. This also takes you to a space of pure nothingness, eventually where it is just you and you only prevail and nobody else, not even your body. You then feel weightless, timeless, and spaceless. The relatability to the body and mind dissolves and the reference to the invisible spirit to the self prevails and truly the experience regales.

The other type of meditation is active. Being in a meditative frame of mind while you are doing daily activities is the meditation of pure awareness, which in true self is being mindful of everything you do. Mindfulness of everything you are doing and getting involved in is an acquired skill. One of the ways to do this is to sit on a train, watch everyone around you while the scenery passes by and be only aware of the passing moment – which is smooth. Let’s say you are cooking, studying, typing, reading, or watching a movie – you could be doing it all in a meditative frame of mind, which means being completely involved and adding beauty and grace to the otherwise meaningless tasks or jobs or routine.

Or, for that matter, playing games with family or friends? Going out to the beach, garden, or even cooking together – that could become a meditation as well. Dance becomes meditation as well. Going out at night in an environment of partying, with music and movements one can get meditative. Laughter, jokes, and watching funny content can get you into a meditative frame of mind as well.

Coming to the point where you connect with your parents, grandparents, and spending time with them, can be a form of meditation and magic. Any elderly person, that becomes meditation for you and recipient only that also becomes healing in nature. Meditation with activity is also healing and wholesome.

Meditation is the simplest state of being, it is getting to be simple. We find it so difficult to be simple. It appears to be the toughest thing to do, but there is nothing to it – just being. The only thing we know is to do, but what we need to do is to drop all the trappings and move towards nothingness or emptiness.

Meditate and you get total perceptions, all including, all-encompassing.

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(Mickey Mehta is a global leading holistic health guru and life coach; website: www.drmickeymehta.com)


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