Black Onyx: Embark On A Journey Of Healing

Black Onyx: Embark On A Journey Of Healing

Known for its smooth, glossy, and solid black appearance, it has been used for various purposes throughout history

FPJ Features DeskUpdated: Friday, January 12, 2024, 08:56 PM IST

Black onyx is a type of chalcedony, which is a form of microcrystalline quartz. It is known for its smooth, glossy, and solid black appearance. The stone has been used for various purposes throughout history, including jewellery, carvings, and decorative items.

Here are some key points about black onyx:

Colour: As the name suggests, black onyx is primarily black in colour. However, it may sometimes have white or grey bands or ribbons.

Formation: Onyx is formed in the cavities of lava rock. The black colour is usually a result of impurities or the presence of other minerals, such as iron or carbon.


Black onyx is relatively durable, but like many gemstones, it may be susceptible to scratches and damage. It is essential to handle it with care and avoid exposing it to harsh chemicals. Cleaning it with a soft cloth is usually sufficient for maintenance.


Protection: Black onyx is believed to shielding the wearer from negative energies and harmful influences. It is thought to absorb and transform negative energy, providing a sense of security.

Grounding and stability: Many people believe that black onyx has grounding qualities, helping individuals stay focused, centred, and connected to the present moment. It is thought to provide stability during challenging times.

Emotional balance: Black onyx is associated with promoting emotional balance and self-control. It helps in managing stress, grief, and intense emotions, providing a sense of calm and composure.

Strength and stamina: Black onyx is said to enhance physical strength and stamina. It is often associated with vitality and the ability to overcome obstacles.

Focus and concentration: The stone magnifies focus and concentration. It help individuals make better decisions by promoting clarity and logical thinking.

Spiritual growth: In certain spiritual traditions, black onyx is considered a stone that facilitates spiritual growth and self-awareness. It is believed to aid in meditation and the development of inner strength.

Letting go: Black onyx can help wearers let go of old patterns, attachments, or negative habits. It supports the process of moving forward.

Enhanced intuition: Some people believe that black onyx can sharpen intuition and assist in making wise decisions. It is associated with the idea of enhancing psychic abilities and spiritual insights.

Cleansing black onyx

Water: Rinse the black onyx under lukewarm running water. Visualise the impurities and negative energies being washed away. You can also immerse the black onyx in a bowl of water. Add a pinch of sea salt to the water for an extra purifying effect.

Salt: Place black onyx on a bed of salt, such as Himalayan salt or sea salt. Leave it for a few hours or overnight. Salt is believed to absorb negative energies. After cleansing, discard the salt, as it has absorbed the unwanted energies.

Smudging: Pass the black onyx through the smoke of burning sage, palo santo, or other cleansing herbs. Visualise the smoke purifying the stone. Be cautious if the black onyx is porous or heat-sensitive, as excessive heat could damage it.

Sunlight and moonlight: Place the black onyx in direct sunlight for a few hours. The sunlight is thought to purify and energise the stone. Alternatively, leave the black onyx under the moonlight, especially during a full moon. Moonlight is believed to have a cleansing and charging effect.

Visualisation and intention: Hold the black onyx in your hands and visualise a bright, pure light surrounding and penetrating the stone. Set the intention that any negative energies or impurities are released, leaving the black onyx cleansed and recharged.

Selenite charging: Place black onyx on a selenite charging plate or next to a piece of selenite. Selenite is believed to have cleansing and charging properties.

Remember that not all cleansing methods may be suitable for every type of black onyx. Some varieties may be sensitive to water or sunlight, so it’s essential to consider the specific characteristics of your stone.


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