On Tuesday afternoon (local time), a teenage boy opened fire inside Siam Paragon Mall, one of Bangkok's busiest places. The mass shooting killed two people following the teen's arrest. Footage capturing the chilling moment has surfaced online and gone viral; it comes from a Korean streamer who was live on Afreeca TV (a South Korean live-streaming platform) during the gunfire.
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What's all in the video?
The video begins with the streamer known as BJ Barbie Jini enjoying a glass of her drink. Initially, the clip seems to be a pleasant food vlog filmed by the streamer but it suddenly takes a drastic turn with the noise of gunfire and screams. No sooner, Jini is seen dropping her drink aside and running to save her life. She continues her live video where she films her deadly escape from the mall.
Reportedly, the Korean streamer found the loud noises of the fire to be some prank until she saw a situation of fear and panic around. Jini was left terrified after learning that the shooting resulted in the same building as she was.
Bangkok Mass Shooting
Media reports informed that the 14-year-old who opened fire at the shopping mall was a student having a record of being treated for mental illness. The teen was taken to custody less than an hour after the gunshots. Meanwhile, the incident killed two people and wounded five others.
Taking cognisance of the case, Thailand looks forward to controlling guns and imitation firearms. Thai Deputy Prime Minister Anutin Charnvirakul said on Thursday that the government will implement measures to restrict the possession, bearing and use of firearms, including a crackdown on illegal weapons and tighter regulations on imitation guns, Xinhua news agency reported.