Chilling footage from Bihar's Bettiah area has gone viral on the internet and it captures a horrific road accident on camera. An overspeeding Bolero hit four cycles carrying students (of class 10) who were on their way to their coaching class there. The unfortunate incident took place on Tuesday morning on the Bettiah-Lauria National Highway, leaving seven girl students and a man walking on the street injured.
WATCH VIDEO (Warning: Graphic Content)
Eight critical
It was stated in local reports that one of the students fell on the bonnet of the car and was dragged for about 20 feet from the accident spot. During this, a person walking who was walking by the road was also hit by the overspeeding vehicle. The health condition of the eight injured is reported to be critical. They undergoing treatment at the Bettiah Government Medical College Hospital.
Police action follows
The man driving the SUV was returning from a marriage procession when the accident took place. Following the mishap, locals caught the driver and handed him over to the police. The Lauria police have taken the Bolero driver into custody and an interrogation is underway.